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1. Map the UN SDGs to your Business Strategy


We help organizations assess, prioritize, and integrate Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles into their corporate strategies and core competencies.


Key Outcomes:

✅To map SDGs and ESGs to your value and supply chain.

✅To identify potential risks and opportunities.

✅To align SDGs with your company’s purpose and operational strategy.


Activities Include:

Overview of each SDG, including targets and indicators.

Prioritization of SDGs based on your company’s supply/value chain.

Risk and opportunity analysis for selected SDGs.


✔ Customized SDG prioritizations with vision statements.
✔ Mapping of SDGs to your company’s supply/value chain.
✔ A risk and opportunity matrix tailored to your business.

Sustainability & ESG Transformation Programs

Ready to embed sustainability into your business strategy and drive measurable impact? Here’s how we can help:



​​​​​2. Develop a SDG/ESG Action Plan

We craft actionable plans to help your business focus on measurable results with key performance areas (KPAs) and key performance indicators (KPIs).


Key Outcomes:

✅To develop ESG programs tailored to your functional and divisional needs.

✅To Set clear KPAs and KPIs to track progress.

Activities Include:

Assess ESG program needs for each division or function.

Create KPAs and KPIs for programs and initiatives (including philanthropic efforts).


✔ A comprehensive action plan with ESG programs, KPAs, and KPIs.


​3. Develop a Sustainability Integration and Communication Plan

We design communication strategies to effectively share sustainability progress with shareholders and stakeholders while integrating SDGs into your company culture.


Key Outcomes:
✅To leverage tools for tracking and reporting on sustainability progress.
✅ To build internal and external partnerships to drive collaboration.
✅ To empower divisional champions through tailored training.


Activities Include:

Identify tools for monitoring and reporting (GRI, CDP, TCFD, etc).

Assess organizational culture to support integration.

Develop internal and external communication strategies.


✔ Reporting templates (GRI, CDP, TCFD, etc).
✔ A robust integration and communication plan.
✔ Training modules to empower your team.

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